Why does my circuit breaker keep tripping immediately?

A circuit breaker is an electrical switching device that is placed to avoid any hazards from electricity and to secure your electrical systems. It can be operated manually and automatically.

During my home inspections as an electrician Sacramento. I noticed when a circuit breaker trips immediately that means a heavy flow of electricity passes through it and it can not able to handle the excess flow of power. To avoid overheating or major damage to electrical systems circuit breaker trips. If the circuit breaker doesn’t trip then you would see electrical fire or short circuits.

It is advisable before you just go and reset the circuit breaker to get the power back, must figure out why it keeps tripping.

Why Does My Breaker Keep Tripping?

The circuit breakers are designed in a way that they trip off and cut the power supply in case of any risky situations and if your circuit breaker keeps tripping either there is some issue with the circuit breaker itself or it is a sign of upcoming potential electrical danger.

You must ensure the below-listed things are properly functioning.
  1. Check for short circuits in appliances
  2. Check for any ground fault
  3. Check for any overloading signs
  4. Loose wires creating spark (Arc issue)
  5. Faulty circuit breaker
If you are unable to figure this out then, just search for an electrician near me, it will show electricians near you or you can connect to Aria Electric Sacramento for emergency services.

Check the next blog to know more about these issues.
