Do Ceiling Fans Save Your Money on Electricity Bills?

Do you ever find yourself in a middle of a conversation with friends and family that you should keep turning on your fans so that your air conditioner’s air keeps flowing and results in lower electricity bills. And probably you are subscribed to this idea with the expectation of your electricity bill will decrease. It feels like see, how smart I am. But do you notice any difference in energy bills?

I believe you haven't observed and are relying only on a belief; nonetheless, before drawing any firm conclusions, let's first explain how ceiling fans work.

Most of us don’t understand that ceiling fans don’t cool the air, they just move air, and as a result of that, your skin feels cooler. Fan works for the same principle as to why wind feels cold, this principle is called the wind chill effect.

Your air conditioner is designed to circulate cool air into and hot air out of your home in order to keep you at a comfortable temperature. The ceiling fan, on the other hand, has no cooling mechanism.

It has no participation in cooling you when you are not present to benefit the air circulation, then you are just blowing on electricity. If your air conditioner isn't running effectively, your ceiling fan isn't helping.

This is where the bulk of us get into financial difficulties. They turn on all the ceiling fans, expecting that this will help the air conditioner run more efficiently and reduce temperature throughout the home, but the added energy use has resulted in even higher expenses. Fans have no effect on your air conditioner's efficiency!

What’s our call on saving money on electricity bills

With so many variables, there can never be a straightforward yes or no response to this issue. It is decided by how you use your HVAC systems and how usable they are.

If you want to save money on your power bills, switch off all of your fans the next time you leave the house.

Play with thermostat-

You can experiment with the thermostat settings and pump up them by 5 degrees or more. The higher the temperature, the less your air conditioner has to work and the more money you will save.

Use ceiling fan effectively-

Always remember, when you walk into the room then you should switch on the ceiling fans, and when you leave just turn the fans off. It may take a while to mold yourself into this habit that will save you money and I know you will follow this next time.

You can consult Aria Electric HVAC to obtain an optimal solution to your local, residential, commercial, and industrial electrical and construction requirements. Aria Electric HVAC provides electric, HVAC, and construction services under one roof with higher customer satisfaction by industry professionals.
